Friday, April 30, 2010
May is Responsible for Life Month
April 30, 2010
NAFA has designated May as "Responsible for Life" month. During May, NAFA will host a variety of programs and events for animal lovers. During the month NAFA will highlight responsible animal families, provide information and activities to inspire a better way of life for animals in Northeast Arkansas. I hope that you, your family (including your furry, feathered, fins and scales) will come and join us for this very important month.
It all starts this weekend, May 1st and 2nd, with National Pet Adoption Weekend. NAFA will be at Petco both days 1 to 4 pm for a extravaganza of activities and opportunities.
Come be a part of the fun.
Lemons make Lemonade
Having an animal for life often means dealing with some behavior issues that can crop up at any time. "If your pet gives you lemons ... make lemonade". So, during the month of May, NAFA will have a lemonade stand at each pet adoption. The lemonade at 25 cents per cup, comes along with a host of behavior modification tips and tricks.
Additionally, NAFA is offering FREE temperament testing for all dogs (by appointment only). You can also enter a drawing for an 7 week dog obedience class - $1.00 per chance or 7 chances for $5.00.
$15 Microchip Clinic - FREE reward Tags
An open door, an unlatched gate, a moment of distraction is all it can take for your pet to go missing. Each year thousands of lost and abandoned animals are taken in by shelters and humane societies across North America. Some of these animals never make it home because they can't be identified.
Many pets find their way home after a short adventure, but many more don't. They can't get home because they can't be identified. 24PetWatch Lost Pet Recovery is there to not only identify your pet, but to reunite you with them as soon as it is found. Thanks to the 24PetWatch microchip, your lost pet can get home to you faster and safer.
This Saturday, May 1st, from 1 to 4 pm, Dr. Jack Jones will be on site at Petco to microchip pets for $15.00. This includes chip registration and FREE NAFA Reward Tags for individuals interested. Space and chips are limited.
Mother's Day Cards
This Mother's Day, honor any special woman who made a difference in your life by supporting NAFA programs that save the lives of homeless pets.
NAFA relies directly on donors like you to help us impact the lives of animals in Northeast Arkansas. Your donation helps to:
Fund innovative and collaborative programs that save the lives of countless animals
Fight animal abuse, neglect and abandonment.
Provide support for low cost services provide by a local veterinarian.
Provide support for all our food bank programs
Provide urgently needed emergency relief for animals after disasters
Promote healthy relationships between people and pets
Each card - 5 different styles available - is printed on high gloss card stock and comes with a quality envelope. You may also add a "Responsible for Life" necklace in a variety of colors for only a few dollars more - $5.00 donation - Card only -- $10.00 donation - Card and Necklace.
Consider stopping by Petco on May 1, 2 or 8th 1 to 4 pm to get your card, honor a special woman in your life and help the animals of Northeast Ark. For more information email or visit us at or Facebook.
If you don't live in the area where you can stop by to purchase cards, you can email She will send you a flyer with all five card styles. Pick a style and we will mail the card for you - or UPS card and jewelry to that special someone. You can send a donation to us by mail - yes, we will trust you. Or, we can send you a pdf to print out a card and give it to that special woman in your life.
Poster Campaign Launched
During Responsible for Life Campaign, NAFA will premiere a dozen posters depicting the reasons why animals are rehomed, abandoned or surrendered to shelters/rescues.
These artistic posters use satire and humor to inform the public about these issues. Each week during May NAFA will unveil three different posters in this campaign.
Please stop on Saturdays to see these posters or visit our website as they become available.
Help us spread the word.
A special thanks to NAFA volunteers and supporters for allowing us to use them and their beloved pets to educate the general public.
Is your pet an "Artist"
Beginning Sunday, May 2nd, NAFA is holding a "Pet Artist" contest. There are three categories to enter - "Paw Print Art", "Tail Art" and "Unusual Pet Art". Artwork must be 8 1/2 x 11" or 10 x 12 and on paper. Artwork will be judged on creativity, beauty and appeal. Artwork must be accompanied by photo of the animal artist. Artwork can be turned in from May 15th thru May 20th. All artwork will be posted at our Animal Fair. Winners will be announced at 3:30 on Saturday, May 22nd at Animal Fair. Grand Prize winner will receive $100 in cash, Category 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will be awarded gifts and certificates.
Stop by Sunday or any Saturday 1 to 4 pm at Petco, to pick up your application and rules. Sample artwork will be on display beginning next week.
FREE stuff for you and your pet
Stop by and pick up a free Bumper Sticker, Bandanna or Temporary Tattoo from Petfinders. We also have free temporary tattoos for the kids and treats for your pets.
As you can see, May is busting at the seams with opportunities for you, your family and your pets. I hope to see you at some of our activities. While most of these activities aren't really fundraisers (we hope they will just improve the lives of animals in our community), we are hoping that May will help us raise the final dollars needed for our Low Cost Spay/Neuter clinic. I very gracious supporter has agreed to match funds that we raise during May up to $2,500. I will be discussing this more next week.
As most of you already know, NAFA does not have any paid employees, so all donations go directly for the care of the animals. I hope you find something in this month’s plethora of activities that will spark you to make a donation to NAFA.
Wannda Turner Northeast Arkansans for Animals
Sheets and blankets still needed
Spring brings pregnancy and litters of puppies and kittens. This means our foster homes use more and more blankets and sheets for whelping. If you are doing spring cleaning and you come across some sheets and blankets you don't need, please consider donating them to our mommas and babies. You can just drop them on the back deck of our Animal Services Building at the corner of Gee Street and Dan Avenue.
Just wanted to keep you up to date,
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
May - Responsible for Life Month

NAFA has designated May as “Responsible for Life” month. During May, NAFA will host a variety of programs and events for animal lovers. The first weekend, May 1st and 2nd, is National Pet Adoption Weekend so NAFA will be hosting pet adoption events at Petco both days. Check out our month of events:
Saturday, May 1st & Sunday, May 2nd - 1 to 4 pm - Petco Jonesboro
Saturday, May 1st & Sunday, May 2nd - 1 to 4 pm - Petco Jonesboro
Pet Adoption
Responsible for Life Kick-off - Free Bumper stickers - Bandannas - Temporary Tattoos from Petfinder - Enter your pet in a drawing to win $100 worth of Petco products
TAG NEA - Free Reward Tag and recover system for your pets
$15.00 Microchip Clinic by Dr. Jack Jones - SATURDAY ONLY
Lemonade Stand - 25¢ Lemonade - Behavior Modification and Help - “If your pet hands you lemons … make lemonade”
Mother’s Day Cards/Gift Sale - Honor the special woman you know with a card and gift - donation to NAFA to support programs to save homeless pets - $5.00 and $10.00 donation
Introduction of Responsible for Life Poster Campaign - First 3 posters in Campaign will be on display.
Pet Artist Contest Begins - Sunday at 3:00 - Categories include “Paw Print Art”; “Tail Art” and “Unusual Pet Art”. Let your pet create a masterpiece at home and enter it win $100.00 cash.
COME JOIN THE FUN ALL MONTH - For more information email or visit our website … … - or call our message line 870-932-1955 and a volunteer will call you back.
Come join the fun,
Monday, April 5, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
With Easter right around the corner, pet stores are stocking up on bunnies, ducks, and chicks.
Many parents are tempted to buy these adorable critters as children's Easter gifts. This is NOT
a good idea. People don't always realize that these cute, cuddly baby animals grow up into large, not so cute and cuddly adults. Little bunnies grow into 10 lb rabbits. Downy chicks and ducklings sprout "ugly" feathers.
Rabbits, chicks, and ducks are not "low-maintenance" pets. They require constant temperatures, special housing, excellent nutrition, and daily care. The responsibility of caring for them is far too great for a child or busy adult.
Cute little ducks and chicks can pose health risks. Ducks and chickens can be carriers of salmonellosis - an intestinal disease that can be transferred to humans. Salmonellosis is especially dangerous in children and people with weakened immune systems (such the elderly).
Baby animals are very fragile.
They can be accidentally killed or permanently injured if handled too roughly. This is a very common cause of death in Easter pets.
These animals require a long commitment. The average life span of a rabbit is 5-10 years, and 12+ is not uncommon. The average backyard chicken lives between 7-8 years. Ducks can live up to 15 years.
Most chicks, ducks, and bunnies given as Easter gifts die within a few weeks of the holiday.
- Rabbits require as much work as a dog or cat and can live 10-15 years.
- They do NOT make good pets for children (they can inflict painful bites and scratches). Due to fragile bones and backs, they must also be picked up and supported in a specific way that is difficult for children.
- Rabbits must be provided with large quantities of timothy hay and vegetables (mostly dark leafy greens), and limited quantities of commercial rabbit pellets.
- They also eat their own feces (called 'cecal pellets') in order to extract all of the necessary
nutrients from their high-fiber, hard-to-digest diet.
- Rabbits should be kept indoors if possible. Outdoor housing is not recommended because outdoor conditions can be very dangerous to a rabbit's health due to outdoor predators, weather extremes, boredom, loneliness, and depression.
- Cages with solid flooring are always preferred to those with wire mesh floors, due to the fact that the wire is hard on rabbits' feet and nails. If a wire mesh bottomed cage is used, it is necessary to provide a solid place for the rabbit to rest on (such as a grass mat).
- Cages should have enough room to allow the rabbit to lay down across the width of the cage,
to sit up on its hind legs without its ears touching the top of the cage, and to lay on the floor
outside of its hiding place. Most pet stores stock only cages of an appropriate size for very small
rabbits. Larger breeds require multi-floor cages, such as those designed for ferrets or chinchillas.
- Cages should have: a place to hide, a food dish, a litter box, a water bottle, toys, and a hay
- Rabbits need at least 4 hrs a day outside of their cages for exercise.
- Rabbits must be spayed or neutered or they will mark your house with feces and urine.
- According to the House Rabbit Society, rabbits "are suffering the same fate as our other
companion animals -- abandonment. It's a sad fact that no matter where you live, you are
within 10 miles of a rabbit who needs a home".
- Without the protective oils produced by their mother, a duckling's down soaks up water like a sponge. They will tire quickly and drown if left unattended by water.
- A duckling is a fully grown duck in about 30 days.
- Ducks are not suitable pets for children. They can pinch and peck aggressively if provoked.
- Contrary to popular belief, bread and crackers are not a good staple food for ducks. They need
a well balanced, varied diet, from pelleted mash, vegetable trimmings, algae, plants, snails,
meal worms, night crawlers, coy food, feeder goldfish, and grass.
- Ducks require a constant supply of fresh, clean water for drinking, swimming, eating, and
cleaning themselves.
- Ducks do not have the physical anatomy required (a sphincter muscle) to be potty trained.
They are very messy.
- Domestic ducks will NOT survive in the wild. Unlike their wild duck cousins, domestic ducks
cannot fly to safety when predators attack. They cannot migrate to food when existing food
sources disappear in the winter. Without human intervention, they often starve to death or are
euthanized by animal control workers.
- Even in the city, predators are a major threat. Dogs, coyotes, raccoons, opossums, cats, rats, and snakes are all possible predators.
- Pet ducks should never be caged once they are full grown. If you can't allow your duck to roam your entire yard, give them an area of their own that is clean, safe from predators, and accessible for daily maintenance and feeding. They also require some sort of shelter (a dog kennel, etc.) from the elements. Wire bottom cages are NOT suitable as they can cause severe foot injuries.
- The largest, most experienced chicken hatcheries only guarantee about 90% sexing accuracy - that means you might end up with a constantly crowing, nasty tempered rooster!
- Roosters, and even some hens, can become very aggressive.
- Keeping chickens is illegal in some cities.
- Chickens can make a great deal of noise, especially after laying eggs.
- Chickens need to be outdoors at least part of the day. They love to scratch in dirt, take dust
baths, eat tender new shoots (remember that some house plants can be poisonous), and lay
sprawled out in the sun.
- Chicken houses need perches at varying levels and a laying box.
- Even in the city, predators are a major threat. Dogs, coyotes, raccoons, and opossums can be
devastating. Young chicks can be killed by cats, rats, and snakes.
Spread the word that live animals do not make good gifts for Easter. Instead of live animals, give children (and adults) critter shaped chocolate and marshmallow treats. Stuffed animals are also great gifts for animal lovers.
Have a safe and happy Easter,
Many parents are tempted to buy these adorable critters as children's Easter gifts. This is NOT
a good idea. People don't always realize that these cute, cuddly baby animals grow up into large, not so cute and cuddly adults. Little bunnies grow into 10 lb rabbits. Downy chicks and ducklings sprout "ugly" feathers.
Rabbits, chicks, and ducks are not "low-maintenance" pets. They require constant temperatures, special housing, excellent nutrition, and daily care. The responsibility of caring for them is far too great for a child or busy adult.
Cute little ducks and chicks can pose health risks. Ducks and chickens can be carriers of salmonellosis - an intestinal disease that can be transferred to humans. Salmonellosis is especially dangerous in children and people with weakened immune systems (such the elderly).
Baby animals are very fragile.
They can be accidentally killed or permanently injured if handled too roughly. This is a very common cause of death in Easter pets.
These animals require a long commitment. The average life span of a rabbit is 5-10 years, and 12+ is not uncommon. The average backyard chicken lives between 7-8 years. Ducks can live up to 15 years.
Most chicks, ducks, and bunnies given as Easter gifts die within a few weeks of the holiday.
- Rabbits require as much work as a dog or cat and can live 10-15 years.
- They do NOT make good pets for children (they can inflict painful bites and scratches). Due to fragile bones and backs, they must also be picked up and supported in a specific way that is difficult for children.
- Rabbits must be provided with large quantities of timothy hay and vegetables (mostly dark leafy greens), and limited quantities of commercial rabbit pellets.
- They also eat their own feces (called 'cecal pellets') in order to extract all of the necessary
nutrients from their high-fiber, hard-to-digest diet.
- Rabbits should be kept indoors if possible. Outdoor housing is not recommended because outdoor conditions can be very dangerous to a rabbit's health due to outdoor predators, weather extremes, boredom, loneliness, and depression.
- Cages with solid flooring are always preferred to those with wire mesh floors, due to the fact that the wire is hard on rabbits' feet and nails. If a wire mesh bottomed cage is used, it is necessary to provide a solid place for the rabbit to rest on (such as a grass mat).
- Cages should have enough room to allow the rabbit to lay down across the width of the cage,
to sit up on its hind legs without its ears touching the top of the cage, and to lay on the floor
outside of its hiding place. Most pet stores stock only cages of an appropriate size for very small
rabbits. Larger breeds require multi-floor cages, such as those designed for ferrets or chinchillas.
- Cages should have: a place to hide, a food dish, a litter box, a water bottle, toys, and a hay
- Rabbits need at least 4 hrs a day outside of their cages for exercise.
- Rabbits must be spayed or neutered or they will mark your house with feces and urine.
- According to the House Rabbit Society, rabbits "are suffering the same fate as our other
companion animals -- abandonment. It's a sad fact that no matter where you live, you are
within 10 miles of a rabbit who needs a home".
- Without the protective oils produced by their mother, a duckling's down soaks up water like a sponge. They will tire quickly and drown if left unattended by water.
- A duckling is a fully grown duck in about 30 days.
- Ducks are not suitable pets for children. They can pinch and peck aggressively if provoked.
- Contrary to popular belief, bread and crackers are not a good staple food for ducks. They need
a well balanced, varied diet, from pelleted mash, vegetable trimmings, algae, plants, snails,
meal worms, night crawlers, coy food, feeder goldfish, and grass.
- Ducks require a constant supply of fresh, clean water for drinking, swimming, eating, and
cleaning themselves.
- Ducks do not have the physical anatomy required (a sphincter muscle) to be potty trained.
They are very messy.
- Domestic ducks will NOT survive in the wild. Unlike their wild duck cousins, domestic ducks
cannot fly to safety when predators attack. They cannot migrate to food when existing food
sources disappear in the winter. Without human intervention, they often starve to death or are
euthanized by animal control workers.
- Even in the city, predators are a major threat. Dogs, coyotes, raccoons, opossums, cats, rats, and snakes are all possible predators.
- Pet ducks should never be caged once they are full grown. If you can't allow your duck to roam your entire yard, give them an area of their own that is clean, safe from predators, and accessible for daily maintenance and feeding. They also require some sort of shelter (a dog kennel, etc.) from the elements. Wire bottom cages are NOT suitable as they can cause severe foot injuries.
- The largest, most experienced chicken hatcheries only guarantee about 90% sexing accuracy - that means you might end up with a constantly crowing, nasty tempered rooster!
- Roosters, and even some hens, can become very aggressive.
- Keeping chickens is illegal in some cities.
- Chickens can make a great deal of noise, especially after laying eggs.
- Chickens need to be outdoors at least part of the day. They love to scratch in dirt, take dust
baths, eat tender new shoots (remember that some house plants can be poisonous), and lay
sprawled out in the sun.
- Chicken houses need perches at varying levels and a laying box.
- Even in the city, predators are a major threat. Dogs, coyotes, raccoons, and opossums can be
devastating. Young chicks can be killed by cats, rats, and snakes.
Spread the word that live animals do not make good gifts for Easter. Instead of live animals, give children (and adults) critter shaped chocolate and marshmallow treats. Stuffed animals are also great gifts for animal lovers.
Have a safe and happy Easter,
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