MISSING 6-1-10Please keep you eyes out in the Dunwood Addition (Off South CulberhouseRoad) of Jonesboro for 2 missing Shih Tzus. If you see them please call930-0594 - even if you can't catch them. 2 Shih Tzus Oscar - White Lilly - Brown Collars with owners phone number.
Judy lost her way late Tuesday Night (June 1st) near the intersection of Crowleys Ridge and Pine Valley (south of the nursing home on Harrisburg Rd. ) She is tagged and very friendly. Reward if found. Please help her find her way home. Call 870-277-0106 with any information. She is 12 pound, spayed, adult (5 y/o) female with a bobbed-tail. She is wearing a green collar with a purple ID tag and is registered with VetCare.
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