One young Great Pyrenees puppy came in with his jaw broken in 3 places. The vet estimates the jaw had been broken for several weeks.
Kitten after kitten, cat after cat, and dog after dog have been pulled from the hoarders situation.
Most come in desperate condition, upper respiratory infections, digestive infections, internal and external parasites just to list a few.
In all, since the case began 30 cats/kittens and two dogs have been taken in by NAFA (Northeast Arkansans for Animals).
Although the individual continues to be compliant with surrendering the animals, she is becoming more and more irritable and unwilling to bring in more animals.

However, NAFA investigators are diligent and will not stop until all the animals are removed and any that might remain (up to 4 under city ordinance) will be completely vetted, vaccinated and healthy.

If you would like to help with the care of these animals please contact or for other ways to help visit our wish list on .
Thanks for your support,
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